How to Enrich Your Minimalist Life With a Gratitude Calendar
Minimalism and Gratitude - The Importance Expressing Appreciation
Gratitude Planner
"Let's grab lunch sometimes," I said to a friend or colleague, but even with the best intention, it didn't happen, and as time flew by, they became distant memories to where I couldn't recall their names. Does this sound familiar to you?
As a practicing minimalist, my goal is to spend less time on managing physical things, and more time to rekindle and nurture relationships with friends and families. Did you know that people live longer and happier lives with a robust support network of friends and families? So why do we allow the disconnection that enriches us?
Let's chat about the importance of expressing gratitude and strengthening our connections instead of collecting and organizing stuff in our lives.
We get caught up in the daily work mode of just one more email to reply, one more transaction to complete, and next thing you know, we called it a day and neglected to reach out to the people who supported us, as well as those who need us, and our connection. We don't schedule on our calendar to acknowledging or expressing gratitude for people in our lives, and as a result, we don't do this important task, but my friends, let's make an intentional change together. Here are three reasons, and three tips to schedule the Gratitude to-do items on our list.
3 Reasons to Enrich Our Lives with a Gratitude Calendar
Weekly Gratitude Goals
- No matter what some people say, they want your acknowledgment and expression of appreciation for the things they've done for you. These are the people who helped and supported us on many levels and aspects: For me, currently, these are my blog readers, my newsletter subscribers, my social media followers, and the friends and family who have supported me on my new journey as an author since July of 2016. These are my early adopters who have joined me in my minimalism and eco-conscious journey and have encouraged and supported me to continue to reach my goals of publishing my memoir, TigerFish, by March 30, 2017.
- The expression of gratitude deepens the connections. It improves and enriches everyone's lives, as we human are social creatures, and we help elevate each other when we feel valued and appreciated. It opens the channel of communication instead of separation by the silence and disconnect.
- Time is a precious commodity when someone takes the time to spend with us, to choose a gift, to attend our parties, to help us with a project; they consciously give up a portion of their day to be with you. Send them a thank-you note or call them up to let them know you are grateful to have them in your life, then ask yourself if you're willing to reciprocate?
"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back." -Maya Angelou
I'm fortunate to have people in my life who have mastered the arts of gratitude and nurturing relationships. These are the things they do to keep in touch with their friends and families, and it is especially important these days of inundated social media and digital distractions.
3 Ways to Schedule Your Gratitude Calendar
- Schedule phone calls to loved ones: parents, and siblings. I'm terrible with this and need to make improvements
- Schedule lunches with friends, colleagues, and families
- Keep a calendar of important birthdays and follow through with sending wishes
Pro-tip: Write Thank You Notes promptly!
Who are the people in your life that you need to reach out and rekindle the relationship and express gratitude? What are some things you are doing and tips that you could share?
Use this checklist to help you start your Gratitude Calendar.