
Welcome to my blog. Read an excerpt of TigerFish & My tips on Travel and becoming a Minimalist


How Being A Refugee Makes Me A Willing Minimalist - A Guest Post

How Being A Refugee Makes Me A Willing Minimalist - A Guest Post

How Being A Refugee Makes Me A Willing Minimalist

Hello, I am Chi. If you met me now, you would never know that I once fled Vietnam to avoid political persecution when the North Vietnamese Communists won the decades long civil conflict. I’m in mainstream America now. I have raised two successful Millennials, married my high school sweetheart, and feel like I’ve achieved the American Dream. I’ve always thought that I was somewhat a minimalist and not a wasteful person, to American standards. However, I have discovered the unsettling truth when I left my “other” career to publish my refugee story.

I have the privilege of guest posting for the lovely Jessica of Tiny Yellow Bungalow, and you can read my whole story on her website Tiny Yellow Bungalow

As always, I invite you to engage with me on my website and social media:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChiBeingChi
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/chismith/ 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hoangchitruong.author/ 
Facebook: https://facebook.com/beingchi (Author Page)

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The benefits of boredom and how it can boost kids creativity

What It Means To Be A Refugee - Contributor On Huffington Post

What It Means To Be A Refugee - Contributor On Huffington Post