How I simplify my Life - Choose Experiences Not Things; Fulfill Needs Not Wants's Friday night, TGIF. It's time to celebrate the end of a work week, rest and refresh so I met up with a few friends. It's like a favorite old wool sweater, you love it because it brings you comfort and warmth. That's how my friends make me feel and it's so heartwarming to catch up, socialize, and dine el fresco on a late summer day on the terrace.
take a hike. Portland, Oregon. 2016.
I was keenly aware of my savoring the friendship, and the good fortune of living in a place where I can be myself as others were in Midtown Sacramento, happily riding their bikes in a parade toward the mural painting festivity. I'm comfortable with my el natural self in my gray hair, no make-up face, and comfortable but good solid threads that last and last forever. I'm happy to my core that I've arrived to this place where I value my experiences with friends and family instead of acquiring material goods that soon sit idle then given away. I prefer spending my time outdoors hiking, walking, biking, paddling because it rejuvenates and fulfills me in ways that no earthly material things can come close to providing me. I can rest peacefully knowing that I've not betrayed myself, my family's finance and comfort by carelessly squandering our hard-earned money.
It's weekend, and many of us go out and spend our money that's not in our budget. Maybe it's an impulsive or emotional purchase that will be forgotten in a few weeks. Instead, squirrel that money away, and sit on the "wants" for a few days or a week. If it's a need then it ought to be on the budget to save for and we'll feel good about the purchase after all. Reframe the way we see our money. We work hard for it and we deserve to KEEP it for ourselves, "Pay ourselves first" on our own savings and make it a habit; then pay other obligations on time, especially the high interest rate credit cards and student loans. This is truly being good to ourselves and we deserve that!
In brief, prioritize "Needs versus Wants". In my humble opinion, when we spend money, spend it on our experiences with our loved ones and refrain from acquiring more stuff that we'll have to lug it to Goodwill or Salvation Army later. So give away something before we acquire something else, and do it mindfully!
Mindfully yours,